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Sherry's Platform

I am committed to closing the talent and opportunity gap, as an advocate for literacy proficiency, greater access to STEM, African American History inclusion, increasing Detroit’s Higher Education and Skilled Trades pipelinecreating innovative ways to educate and protect our children and teachers.

My goal is to continue to fight for quality education, to remain accessible, responsible and dedicated to ensuring our parents, and members of the community have an opportunity to be heard and to hear and understand the information we consider when making decisions that impact us all.

Early Childhood Partnerships:

Our students need a full support system to be successful. By establishing these early childhood partnerships we can ensure that every student has the support and resources they need.

Safe High Performing Schools (Picture of School Safety Event) 
  • Ensuring school resource officers are held accountable and remain a positive influence on students. 
  • Securing our schools’ infrastructure
  • Clean and safe HVAC and ventilation systems 
  • Making our schools lead-free

Link to Statement on Statement Standing with our Teachers

ADEQUATE SCHOOL AID FUNDING (Picture of School Fact Act)
  • Weighted funding to close the opportunity gap due to the impact of poverty
  • Properly funding special education 
  • Repealing Prop A funding model

The first teacher every child has is their parents. While that may look different in every family, parent enrichment, empowerment partnerships will help to increase every student’s performance.


Equipping our students with tools they need for success means preparing them for the future. As technology continues to grow and change the world around us, our kids must have the opportunity to engage with STEM as a part of their education. That’s why I am committed to expanding access to these programs for all our students.


So much of our present challenges are due to a lack of a complete understanding of our history. For centuries the role of African Americans in the greater American story has been sanitized or minimized, robbing our children of the knowledge they need to understand and navigate the world around them. On the school board, I will fight for an end to our segregated and diminished national and state history.


Michigan’s competitiveness is only as strong as our human capital and talent. Hence, we must ensure that all children receive a quality Pre-K -14 education with pathways to higher education and skilled trades. The aforementioned will ensure employability, that’s why I’m focused on the following:

  • Safe High Performing Schools
  • Every Child Can Read 2025 Initiative
  • Adequate Funding for Public Education
  • Free & Affordable College Tuition
  • Increased Pathways to Skilled Trades Jobs

In addition to environment quality, and closing the digital divide in urban communities, mobility studies show that Detroit citizens travel more than 10 miles for 77% of jobs, and that requires reliable transportation, affordable auto insurance, or a regional transit system which is still being debated. As the only Detroiter serving on Auto Insurance in Michigan’s Legislature, I am fighting for the following:

  • Fair & Affordable Auto Insurance
  • Improving Michigan Roads
  • Affordable Water, Clean Air & Energy
  • Internet & Broadband Access and Affordability

The cornerstone of a great city is its neighborhoods, absent of blight, with strong community and law enforcement partnerships. I am committed to ensure that resources flow from our state and not just rebuild downtown Detroit, but to our neighborhoods and we’re focused on:

  • Protecting Our Seniors
  • Detroit-based Business Partnerships
  • Blight Removal & Property Restoration
  • Community & Law Enforcement Partnerships
  • Investments in Community Groups & Block Clubs

Contact Us: Sherry@VoteSherry.com | (313) 643-5323 (LEAD)
VoteSherry.Com (Instagram, Twitter @DetroitEducator