Meet Sherry

Sherry Gay-Dagnogo is an at-large member of the Detroit Public Schools Board of Education. She assumed office on January 1, 2021, after ending her third and final term as a state Representative of Michigan’s 8th House District, due to term limits. Sherry is an educator, former State Representative, former Detroit City Council staff member and community organizer dedicated to transforming Michigan’s education systems. As a Detroit public school science teacher, Gay-Dagnogo learned firsthand the value of good education systems and the struggles classrooms face daily.

I Kept My Promise

Our greatest responsibility is to protect our most prized and promising asset, our children. When I ran for state office, I did so because I wanted to ensure that our children would have a strong foundation for a successful future! When I asked to serve as a voice for Detroit in Lansing, I promised to be a fearless advocate for our students and teachers, and I kept my promise!

I worked diligently to advance legislation to increase our student’s access to literacy, STEM, African American history, higher education, skilled trades apprenticeships, and standards that keeps our children and school staff, especially during the current global pandemic. I kept my promise!


As state representative, I fought daily to make sure that all Michigan children had access to an equitable education. I called upon Michigan’s Legislature and the U.S. Congress to adequately fund public education with weighted funding for students impacted by poverty while keeping in mind children with special needs and districts impacted by emergency managers. I kept my promise!

I have spent my entire tenure as a Public School Teacher and State Legislator to improve the lives of our students and to ensure they have the tools they need for success. Now, I am asking you to allow me to continue being your champion for public education by Re-Elect me to serve on the Detroit School Board, Tuesday, November 5th. I will serve with the same integrity, passion, and commitment; and I will always keep my promise!

Sherry Gay-Dagnogo, M.Ed.

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